In defense of our democracy

In these 3 years of President López Obrador’s government, it has become clear that the democratic reforms we have carried out over the last 30 years are not guaranteed and can be reversed.

Today, the autonomy of the Judiciary, of the states and municipalities, of the INE and the TEPJF, of the Bank of Mexico, of the CNDH and the Inegi, is the freedom of expression of the media, journalists and intellectuals, the autonomy of UNAM and public universities and colleges and civic organizations, among others.

Our democratic freedoms are also in jeopardy due to the militarization of public security and the intervention of the armed forces in activities corresponding to civilian institutions.

Under our Constitution, the President of the Republic still maintains a series of powers that enable him, through appointments and the management of the budget, to control the other powers, the states and independent organizations.

His power to propose the ministers of the Court and that if his shortlists are rejected he finally decides on the appointments, allows him to enforce unconditional ministers. Currently, four ministers have been appointed by the current president, guaranteeing that laws that are in violation of our Constitution will not be overthrown, as eight of the 11 ministers are required to vote in favor of suspending them.

With his majority in the House of Representatives, he can manage the budget as he pleases and use this tool to condition the execution of any federal work on the support and discipline of the governors, as is happening in several states.

The power to appoint the governor of the Bank of Mexico and to appoint the members of the governing body allowed him through three appointments to have control over this institution and thus reduce its autonomy.

The continuing threats and disqualifications of the INE and the TEPJF and the power to reduce their resources in Congress weaken the electoral bodies and jeopardize their autonomy.

The attack and exclusion of organized civil society from any dialogue and support, as well as the elimination of independent organizations, leaves the president without control and balances and as the only voice in government decisions.

The constant threats to the independent media and the economic support to the unconditional allow him to spread his messages and weaken the criticism.

However, the greatest threat to our democracy lies in the militarization of public security and the intervention of the Army in civilian activities. It will be difficult to return the military forces to their barracks and take away the resources the government gives them.

It is necessary to make legislation to put up padlocks that protect our democracy and limit authoritarianism and presidential centralism, it is urgent to review our constitutional framework to defend our democratic life.

Demetrio Sodi

Mexican politician

off the field

Citizen interested in solutions for the country and Mexico City. Mexican politician, he was a federal deputy (1988-1991), a senator (2000-2006) and head of the Miguel Hidalgo delegation (2009-2012).

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