Guanajuato authorizes equal marriage; legislation is still pending

The couples of the LGBT community they will be able to marry in Guanajuato as of this Monday, December 20.

Through circular 2261/2021 addressed to the general director of the Civil registration, Juan Hinojosa Diéguez, the head of the Guanajuato Government Secretariat, Libya Denisse García Muñoz Ledo, instructed to comply with civil unions without distinction of sexual preference.

“From this date and the subsequent, the right that all people have is recognized and materialized. Without discrimination due to their sexual preference to marry in our civil registry offices, if so requested and without the need for recourse. legal for its origin “, details the document issued by the agency and disseminated on social networks by the activist Juan Pablo Delgado, a member of the León Libre organization.

Thus, same-sex couples may marry in this entity without having to file an amparo.

The Secretary of Government Guanajuatense argued this instruction based on constitutional rights and international treaties.

“In compliance with articles 1, third and fifth paragraphs, 4 first paragraph and 19 second paragraph of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 1 of the Political Constitution for the State of Guanajuato, article 2.1 of the International Covenant on Rights Civil and Political, the Jurisprudences of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation 1a./J. 84/2015 (10a.) And 1a./J. 86/2015 (10a) that establish the obligation of all authorities to grant the broader protection of human rights, the prohibition of all discrimination based on opinions, sexual preferences, marital status or any other that violates human dignity and thereby undermines rights and freedoms, as well as the imperative to protect human right to the free development of the personality, in order to enforce these principles … “, explains the circular.

Thus, same-sex couples may marry in this entity without having to file an amparo.

However the Guanajuato Congress The analysis of an initiative promoted by the Green Ecologist Party to reform the local law is still pending.

“Today Guanajuato joins the list of states that allow equal marriage. Although the need to reform local law continues, a huge step is taken in the construction of a society that offers equal conditions for all people. Long live it. diversity, “Delgado wrote on his Twitter account.

With this instruction from the local Government Secretariat, Guanajuato becomes the 26th federal entity in the country to allow equal marriage.

It should be remembered that last week, the Congress of Zacatecas approved the reform of its Family Code to allow the union between people of the same sex.

In 2015, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) resolved that it is discriminatory and unconstitutional for entities not to legally recognize equal marriage.

These are the now 26 states in Mexico that recognize or accept equal marriage:

  • Aguascalientes
  • Baja California
  • Baja California Sur
  • Campeche
  • Mexico City
  • Coahuila
  • Colima
  • Chihuahua
  • Chiapas
  • Guanajuato
  • Hidalgo
  • Jalisco
  • Michoacan
  • Morelos
  • Nayarit
  • New Lion
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla
  • Queretaro
  • Quintana Roo
  • San Luis Potosi
  • Sinaloa
  • Sonora
  • Tlaxcala
  • Yucatan
  • Zacatecas

Meanwhile, these are the federative entities of the Republic that still do not recognize equal marriage:

  • Durango
  • Mexico state
  • Guerrero
  • Tabasco
  • Tamaulipas
  • Veracruz


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