Gobierno de Biden evaluates digital pages for cube delivery to Cuba

Democrat Joe Biden’s governor evaluates digital pages “as part of innovative innovations” that study to facilitate the transfer of money from United States and Cuba, dijo el viernes una funcionaria estadounidense.

Remesas, sustained by many families and key to the Cuban economy, renewed during the Republican government Donald Trump (2017-2021) to avoid the Cuban communist regime benefiting as an intermediary.

Biden, his successor, promised to be willing to allow these transfers, but through the unannounced manifestations that were made in July in the island, an announcement that Bukari would form to ensure that he dinero read directly to the people of the Cuban people.

Jalina Porter, Deputy Mayor of the Department of State, said that the working group on redresses had passed protests in August following its analysis of other members of the Biden administration.

“The administration continues to consider these options and explores innovative solutions. And it also includes digital pages as part of the solutions”, indicating, without any doubt about its eventual implementation.

Porter says that the objective is to “explore options to facilitate deliveries to Cuba which benefits the Cuban people and allows the Cuban families to move, and also minimize or eliminate the benefits for the Cuban regime as well as its militaries “.

“Cuba’s political policy is strongly influenced by the Cuban people’s support,” he said.

The revision of the state policy of Cuba, coordinated by the Council of National Security of the White House, is under way.

The dinosaur money on behalf of the Cuban diaspora to its relatives in the island, virtually banned for decades from the Cuban revolution of 1959, totaled in 2019 a 3,720 million dollars, according to the group Havana Consulting Group, with seats in Miami.

Experts estimate that more than three hundred people in Cuba depend on the rates for subsistence, and that more than 90% of women live in the United States. Pueden has an informal manner, leading the diner to the same or contracting other persons (“mulas”), oa travers de services de transference de dinero.

But this has been the case since 2019, when Trump limited the travel to Cuba and banned the processing of meals and travel expenses controlled by the governing body of La Habana the military, reiterating the economic embargo imposed by the United States in 1962 on the Caribbean island with the end of forcing a regime change.


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