France Télévisions launches the Lumni Etudiant platform

Students now have their programs on Lumni, the platform for public audiovisual actors (Arte, France Médias Monde, France Télévisions, INA, Radio France and TV5Monde) which had urgently set up a “home school” for twelve million students from primary to high school, when the first confinement began, in March 2020.

A year and a half later, it completes its offer, said Delphine Ernotte, president of France Télévisions, on the occasion of the launch of Lumni Etudiant, Monday, September 27, at the Cité internationale universitaire, in Paris (14e), in the presence of ministers Jean-Michel Blanquer, Frédérique Vidal and Roselyne Bachelot. “The health crisis revealed a pre-existing problem: that of the fragility of students, underlined Mme Ernotte. As public service televisions, we have a duty to design a setting for them, to provide them with details on orientation and to support them in their daily life. “

More than 1,200 content is provided free of charge, taken from the schedules of public audiovisual programs and its 20 partners such as the National Museum of Natural History and the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. The 44 local stations of France Bleu have set up an interactive map with useful addresses everywhere in the fields of employment, training or health services. Finding accommodation, an internship, a job, preparing for a job interview, enriching your general knowledge, supplementing your courses with educational resources … On all levels, Lumni wants to transmit “All you need to know to better live your student life” by relying on three pillars: orientation, well-being, general culture.

There are also a few “native” programs, specifically designed for the platform, run by Youtubers with several million subscribers such as Nota Bene and Cyrus North which present social debates and interviews with experts in an interactive way, in order to to give voice to the students. On the teacher-researcher side, ” About ten “ has so far participated in the development of content on ten themes, says Amel Cogard, director of the education unit at France Televisions.

Groping and gateways

In terms of guidance, monthly “lives” will be organized by teams from the National Office for Information on Teachings and Professions (Onisep) and Parcoursup to respond to the concerns of young people, who are not always very sure of what to expect. their choices and / or their chances of success in a course. “We are wrong to think that we orient ourselves only once, we orient ourselves constantly, reassured the Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal. But we have to support students so that they get to know each other and know what they want. “

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