Four herramientas financieras para proteger su salud

Loose gastos en salud that the mexicans and tenid who pay their bills incrementally 40% from 2018 to 2020, it is said, that tuvieron that erogar more money from his ingresses to cost medical consultations, buy medicine y hospital attenuationin agreement with the Center for Economic and Prospective Investigation (CIEP).

Bolsillo’s guest promotion featuring characters from roundabout themes in 3,300 pesos, according to CIEP with information from Inegi.

In Mexico, there are financial services that help Mexicans overcome health issues and that do not represent an economic challenge at the moment to promote medical emergency.

Seguros de medical guests, hospitalization insurance o indemnizatorio, voluntary security payment from IMSSfondo para emedical benefitsare some of the mechanisms that can be adopted to provide financial protection in health issues.

Medical guest insurance. There are types of medical, health and minor guest care guarantees. Minors are those who focus on the health prevention. For example, general medical consultations, laboratory studies and ambulance transmissions, among others. This type of product can cost from 5,000 pesos per year, depending on the companies to be contracted.

Loose mayors medical guests mayors ofrecen accident coverage the engraved graves like cancer, Covid-19 o cardiac pads and no day coverage for minor affections like flu. Cubren hospitalizations, medical fees, medicines, therapies, surgeries, among other things, depending on the additional coverages that are the contracts.

The cost of these secures is more elevated and depends on the oath and sex of the one who contracted it.

For example, for a woman of 35 years, she is married and lives in Mexico City, the mayor of mayors medical mayors the cost between 15,173 pesos and 22,700, according to the insurer que elija.

Securitization by hospitalization. This product can cost from 1,000 pesos per year for a sum insured of up to 50,000 pesos; 100,000 pesos or more depending on the company. Contemplan covers of rent diary for hospitalization y guest houses.

With this, the insurer pays the sum insured in case the contractor of the product is hospitalized for more than two days.

The access of a patient to the medical attention is every day more difficult in the public sector, and in private the costs are inaccessible cases, information Francisco Rodríguez, Chief Growth Officer de Albocompany of financial services.

For the Attention of cases of Covid-19, destacó that the sole application of a test to detect the virus marks the difference. It’s free at a goberno institution, but it costs around 950 people in Salud Digna Laboratorieshas up to 2,750 people in private hospitals and over 3,000 in other laboratories.

“When some family members are sick, they are really ours at the expense of health, even though we have separate homes for the poor. We are in a period of high altitude, because what is being proposed will be economically prepared for any emergence, ”he said.

Health insurance for the IMSS family. Agreed with the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Socialis a type of insurance that can be voluntarily affiliated with families, including the payment of early annual quotes.

For example, the incorporation of a person from 0 to 19 years costs 6,200 pesos per year; from 20 to 29 years, 7,650 pesos; from 30 to 39, 8,250 pesos and from 40 years to 80 and more costs from 9,550 to 14,850 pesos.

With this Voluntary incorporation into IMSS, people have the right to medical, surgical, pharmaceutical, hospital and maternity assistance. As in private security, in this scheme also exist exclusions for pre-existing nurses and contemporaneous periods of hope for certain diseases.

In addition, some exclusions in aesthetic surgery, lenses, auditory devices, treatment of chronic diseases that require permanent therapeutic control, according to IMSS data.

For people who do not have to volunteer for IMSS, and who care for private health services, can receive medical attention from the Institute, always and when it comes to the costs it generates.

For this year, it is established that the consult with a familiar doctor is 969 pesos, la attention in emergencies has a cost of 844 pesos, the price of hospitalization can cost up to 10,761 pesos.

Emergency fund for health. Independently of what you are doing Private health serviceas a guarantee of medical guests or in social security institutions, is important to have a fund for medical emergencies.

We note that, for example, in the cases of major medical guests they have to decommission the deductible and co-insurance fee, so this fund can help to solvent these guests.

How to do it? Registering a percentage of time for this end inside quincenal presidency of ingressos and guestsin this way you must comply with the term of the security or guarantee that the derivative guests of a medical emergency may be dissolved.

“There is always the possibility of nursing or undergoing any medical emergency. It is advisable to define a plan that allows the control of the financial facility to be taken into account with an emergency fund to extend the health of the family, ”said Francisco Rodríguez, Albo’s representative.

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