For AMLO: cross out for the event, dove for the increase

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated the three years of his arrival in power the day before in the Zócalo of CDMX.

The CDMX government reported that 250,000 people attended the mass event of their own free will or that of others, similar to those led in the same place by the presidents of the Republic who emerged from the PRI when this was the political party that controlled the Executive powers. , Legislative and Judicial of the Federation and the states. The one from a couple of days ago was not far behind those organized at the time by his two predecessors Adolfo and José, with the same paternal surname, who ruled the country from 1958 to 1964 and from 1976 to 1982, respectively.

I do not know if another López, named Antonio, who ruled 11 times during the 19th century, ever led a similar event. What it is is that he presided over the loss of more than half of the national territory to the United States, a country whose successor in turn has never demanded to offer an apology for having stolen little more than two million square kilometers.

Two of the three ex-governors surnamed López were characterized by having an excessive ego, by not listening to the voices of their most reasonable collaborators and by leaving the country in ruins. I hope that the fate of Mexico and López today is not similar.

As I noted before, about 250,000 people arrived at the Zócalo and surrounding streets, according to the Secretariat for Citizen Security (SSC).

But did so many arrive?

Just over nine years ago, the Chilean urban development and mobility consultant, Rodrigo Díaz, analyzed the quota of the Zócalo and the streets that surround it and published it on

“If we consider that the Zócalo and its perimeter streets have an approximate area of ​​44,000 square meters, then we will have that the maximum capacity of the place is around 132,000 people, this without counting space for the stage, sound amplification towers and emergency exits. . Assuming that the people are very crowded, and that they occupy one or two blocks of the streets Madero, May 5, September 16, February 5, Pino Suárez, Moneda and Monte de Piedad, in one of those we reached 200,000 people , many of whom do not see the stage. Adding more people is only due to the imagination of the person calling or the desire to create a catastrophe of proportions ”.

Regardless of how many there were, bringing together as many people as yesterday and on other occasions AMLO has achieved it in the main public square of the country is not a small or easy matter and you have to give him the credit he deserves for it, regardless of whether the event had no justification and outside, in these pandemic times, of high risk for the assistants.

Of everything Andrés Manuel said yesterday, there was only something new, the increase of 22% to the minimum wage for next year, which, as he himself said, “means that during our administration, the increase to the minimum wage has been 65 % in real terms, something that had not happened in more than three decades ”.

In summary: yesterday was an unnecessary and dangerous event where the only thing that turned out to be news was the increase in the minimum. Therefore, for AMLO, cross out for the event and dove for the increase.

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

Instagram: ruizhealy


Eduardo Ruiz-Healy

Journalist and producer

Guest column

Opinion writer, columnist, lecturer, media trainer, 35 years of experience in the media, micro-entrepreneur.

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