Flawless, the campaign at the Summit

Although one disagrees with the public policies of the Government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the political skill with which he planned his participation in the Trilateral Summit convened by the White House must be recognized.

They analyzed the North American political climate well and they know that, for now, Washington and Ottawa need the T-MEC alliance and, for reasons of their domestic policies, they cannot put too much pressure on Mexico.

We saw the President on campaign in Washington, sure that he had on his side the skilfully used nationalism of a majority of Mexican society and that nothing would prevent his personal narrative of the Summit from prevailing over negative information and opinions.

Due to prejudices, Mexico loses opportunity

Several cities in the United States, in the south, the southwest, the midwest and the north of the country are competing to take advantage of federal subsidies and attract chip factories whose shortages are suffocating global industry.

They lobby chipmakers by offering large property rebates and local taxes, as well as building infrastructure needed by the plants.

Despite the advantages of Mexico, the lopezobradorista government, due to its fixations on migrant labor, prefers to promote the use of migrant labor in plants in the United States.

The golden years of half a century ago

Many rallies of support, in the golden years of the “authoritarian” regime of the last century, although the current ruler was very popular, were obviously organized by the Official Party to make them worthwhile.

In those golden years, during a presidential tour by an entity in the center of the Republic, the President went out to the balcony of the Government Palace and contemplated for several minutes the crowd that cheered him from the square.

“Do you think about your popularity, Mr. President?” Asked the Governor. The response of the President, an experienced politician, was: “No, my friend, I calculated how much it cost to gather and transport these thousands of people.” Has something changed?


Nobody in the Federal Government is wondering, apparently, if tourist destinations will have to resign themselves to the fact that drug dealers who work in full view of their beaches are killed … José Woldenberg recalled that the officials of the autonomous organizations have the primary Obligation to be faithful to the Constitution … Although it is not true about the “slap on the wrist in Washington, at least not in the current circumstances, that publicly opposition figures feast on it in public statements is what, being generous with language, It is classified as stupidity … From many cities of the Republic come the warnings that, to the Tax Administration System, to the SAT, with the current limitations of human resources to attend the normal procedures of the plaintiffs, it will be, at least overwhelming, the task of giving their RFC to young people as soon as they turn 18 … Is it true that the new caravan leaving Chiapas is due to the delay in their immigration procedures? … From the perspective of “Human Comedy”, Honorato de Balzac warns: “resignation is a daily suicide” …

Jose Fonseca

Political Journalist

political coffee


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