Fiscalia interpone controversy to not provide information about the case of Pío López Obrador to INE

La Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) interpuso ante la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) a constitutional controversy against the resolution of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) that the order entails the National Electoral Institute (INE) information about the investigation initiated against Pío López Obrador, David León Romero y Morena.

This contribution was registered in constitutional controversy 6/2022, and in which an act of suspension was sought to prevent the mention of the mentioned information.

On the 22nd of December, the plenum of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) Ordenó a la Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos Electorales (Fede) de la FGRentregar al INE the expedition of the investigation carpet for the appearance of a video from which was observed in Pío López Obrador, hermano of the President of the Republic, received in 2015 money from money of David LeónNational Coordinator of Civil Protection.

At the same time, by a majority of the votes of the magistrates, the plenum of the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF declared the INE’s pretension to appoint the agent of the Public Ministry of the Federation the entry of dicha documentation.

The Tribunal determined that the Title of the Technical Unit of Taxation (UTF) part INE apply for a simple copy of an investigation report, and confirm that the information is necessary for the preparation of various tax proceedings.

Ante las solicitudes, la Directora General de Asuntos Juridicos y el Agente del Ministerio Público de la Federación de la Fede, habían negado obtorgar a copy of the citation documentation, by which the Executive Secretary of the General Council of INE promotion of electoral juices.

Cabe detached that she passed away in October, the TEPJF había denied the petition of Pio López Obrador in order for the National Electoral Institute to conclude the investigation in return, by validating that the electoral organ will continue the investigations.

Last year, a communication medium was broadcast and a video was watched on Pío López Obrador receive money in cash on a first-come, first-served basis David León. The haberdashery was arrested in 2015 during a federal police march. Morena’s opposition parties will present a report to INE, stating that the National Electoral Tax Commission has initiated an investigation.

On October 7, 2021, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador pronounced his sentence, Pío López Obrador, investigated by the competent authorities and in his case of existing elements, he was sanctioned.

“It simply came to our notice then. I’ll be here to do a transformation, do it with all the people, because I’m living with millions of Mexicans and there is no way to trace it. If my brother is responsible, then he is castigated. “I have no relationship of complicity with Nadie, nor with the members of my family, I have no pertenezco”, affirmed that day.


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