Example in Mexico, the numbers that date from 2021

Traditionally the for example in our country is among the traverses of the case of desocupation reported in traverses of the National Inquiry into Occupation and Employment (ENOE). At the close of 2021, this indicator is showing its tendency towards lowering the initial impact of the pandemic in 2020 to position it at 3.5%, its lower level than that of sanitary emergence and much more closely related to its historical media.

During 2021, the indicator of desiccation, also called sample bag, tuvo un volatilto comportamiento, en siete ocasiones estuvo por arriba del 4 por ciento. In agreement with the ENOE, the population currently occupied is integrated for 2 million people.

Without embarrassment, the for example in Mexico only solos are traversed by the occupation bag that abarca to the persons who do not have a job, but are looking for one. Another way to address the range of labor market opportunities in Mexico is to also consider the people available within the Active Economy (PNEA).

This group is compliant with women who do not have a job, but they are also busy, unless one accepts them if they are hired. This indicator is also named skipped example o extendedido. “Many people within this population are suffering from a deplorable effect that detainees are seeking to meet the expectations of not having one,” said Gabriela Siller, Director of Economic Analysis and Finance at Banco Base.

The available PNEA population is moving towards the low tide in 2021 to concentrate on 7.4 million people, which implies a reduction of 2 million over the past year. A pesar de esto, sigue por arriba de sus niveles prepandemia.

Al consider the unpopular population and those who are in for example encubierto, se obtiene la tasa de extended example. By 2021, this indicator is expected to reach 14.3%, even at its lowest level in terms of the pandemic, which represents a reduction of 3.6 percentage points this year.

“In February 2020 (the extended example) a 12.2% increase, suggesting that there is room for additional gains, while closing the gap in relevant ways, ”said Juan Carlos Alderete, Executive Director of Economic Analysis and Financial Strategy of Marketplace of Banorte.

The impact on the working break

La brecha laboral get it in the summer desocupation bag, the population available and the occupation, which abarca to the persons who work jurnadas reduced by reasons to them. This indicator reflects the maximum number of jobs needed in the country.

In 2021 the labor breakdown decreased from 18.9 to 15.2 million people. From the perspective of Gabriela Siller, this is the number of Mexicans affected by the pandemic. In this way, in the close of the year, this indicator is positioned at 22.5%, which is 2.9 percentage points per year observed during the pandemic.

A pesar de que la sample bag has recovered, the available and underemployed population is being maintained at higher levels than previously reported by the impact of the sanitary emergence and the factors that used to be the work break in the sea.

“Of the 2.65 million people affected in the fall of 2021, 1.80 million correspond to people found inside the available population, possibly relaxed in the employment search,” said Gabriela Siller.

El for example in Mexico there has been a downturn in 2021 in the wake of a higher labor market dynamics that will allow the recovery of lost labor costs in 2020 due to the pandemic, but only indicating margins of profit.


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