Entrepreneurs, unions and government of Nuevo León sign Labor Peace Agreement

Monterey, NL. The government of New Liontogether with the representatives of trade unions and business chambers, signed this Sunday, May 1, the Labor Peace Agreement in the state, to strengthen tripartite integration, privilege dialogue and respect and continue promoting labor peace as they have done for 24 years.

Ismael Flores Cantú, general secretary of the Confederation of Workers of Mexico (CTM) in New Lion He said: “The labor peace that prevails in Nuevo León has been the product of the agreement between all the leaders who represent the workers, the companies and the government. To maintain (peace), coordination between the three sectors is important.”

He noted that “(in the Labor Reform) a Tripartite Commission was not included, for this reason the initiative has already been presented to the state Congress, and it needs to be discussed and voted on, with this Nuevo León would be the first state to implement it. The commitment of the workers is to keep the peace (…), without negotiating what corresponds to them by right, in accordance with the Federal Labor Law.”

Juan Manuel Cavazos, secretary of the State Public Servants Union, pointed out that tripartite work has been homogeneous, “it has cost many struggles, populist and nefarious groups have not been allowed to commune with our workers. Today we have to work twice as hard, we believe and have labor peace, make up for time lost due to the pandemic and bad governments.”

Oscar de J. Martínez Treviño, president of the Employer Confederation of the Mexican Republic in Nuevo Leónsaid: “we welcome the strengthening of tripartism, it is important that the government promotes unity in a common front, in the face of polarizing threats that put labor peace at risk, in a state like ours, which has been an example in the job creation, formality rates and high wages”.

The leader’s proposal is that with the changes in the New Labor Justice System, conciliation is essential to avoid saturation in the labor courts, for this reason it is important to form a short list of people of recognized solvency, to elect the head of the Conciliation Center and Labor Registry.

false leaders

The Governor of New LionSamuel García Sepúlveda thanked the presence of the president of the Superior Court of State Justice, Judge Arturo Salinas Garza; the president of the board of directors of the state Congress, the PRI deputy, Ivonne Álvarez García, and the state attorney general, Gustavo Adolfo Guerrero.

“I want to endorse the commitment we made the day the Secretary of Labor came, we are going to set the example in the implementation of the new labor reform, we have the best profiles, we are going to evaluate the best (incumbent) for the Labor Center (…) I am convinced that in Nuevo León we do not let these false populist leaders enter,” stressed the state president.

He deepened that the state is getting ready to receive transnational companies with the best trained workforce and an environmental cluster, with equal pay, better benefits, and higher salaries, and that the cabinet will be a mediator with these actors, so as not to get in the way.

According to the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), Luisa María Alcalde, as of March, of 1,301 collective labor contracts in force in Nuevo León, 506 modified their statutes, however, only 388 legitimized their collective labor contracts.


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