Emmanuel Macron says the European Union should work on a new security pact with Russia

The lands of the European Union deben travajar juntos in a new agreement of stability and security that luego podrían debatir con Russia, dijo el mercoles el presidente francés Emmanuel Macron en el European Parliament.

Refiriéndose to the “destabilization efforts” on the continent, Macron says Europe wants to find a political response to the conflict in Ukraine, in moments when France has assumed the rotating presidency of the European Union.

“The security of our continent is indivisible,” Macron said, referring to Russia, adding that Europe should define its own security standards.

Sostuvo that Europe should “sit in a position that guarantees its respect”, without giving more details.

Previously, the Secretary of the United States Antony Blinken, who went to Kiev to hold talks with officials of Ukraine, advised that Russia could launch a new attack in a very short time.


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