Economic recovery will be limited by the shocks of offer: Hacienda

The recovery of economic activity this 2022 will be limited by the persistent shocks of offer, considered Gabriel YorioSubscriber of Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP) at videoconferencia.

“It simply came to our notice then that there was an economic recovery that was limited by the shocks that were being caused by the pandemic. In a very specific way, we have high maritime transport costs, which he spent 10 times more cars in comparison to the pandemic ”, he said.

It is also believed that value interruptions are also observed, as is the case with microprocessors, as well as the different variables of Covid-19as the Omicron variant that has provoked the quarter of contagios in the country at the beginning of this year.

Without embargo, the official does not update on the estimated GDP of this year, which is currently at 4.1%, which is why Rogelio Ramírez de la OSecretary of Hacienda, at the inaugural conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“The President has asked the Secretary, Rogelio Ramirez of the O, to speak at the conference this morning, for that matter, on this occasion we will not have much to do with this subject,” he said, pointing out a tentative case of assistance from official at the Palacio Nacional.

Respecting the theme of inflation, which will close 2021 at a level not seen since decades ago, the official concerned that it is facing a period of inflation and technical recession.

“We’re looking forward to seeing the impacts that Covid’s oil generates in the new variants, so it’s also reflected in the Economic activity, for the continuous economic recovery and we will observe as much as possible these restrictions or impacts on the charge of the offer. “We have a lot going on in the inflation process and we do not agree that we are in a situation like this,” he said.

Regarding the technical recession, the employee explained that in order to work on it alone he should observe a chain in the PIB, we should also see the behavior of other variables, such as the employee, in order to ensure that the productive capacity is increased and much the persons whom he described were reclaimed in the labor market.

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