democratic regression

Just a few days after the electrical reform was electrocuted, my countryman President Andrés Manuel, by the way, the most productive legislator that MORENA has, sent the announced electoral reform. This anti-democratic and retrograde reform aims to amend 18 articles of the Constitution to replace the National Electoral Institute (INE) with a new body, seeks fewer senators, federal and local deputies, and aldermen, as well as reducing the financing of political parties by almost 70 percent. hundred. Fortunately, the response from the Alliance bloc was forceful: it is not going to be discussed, it is not going to happen.

What is a reality is that no one could dare to endorse an assassination of Mexican democracy. The INE is one of the best electoral institutions in the world, which has received several awards in various areas for its quality and innovation, and its greatest strength is precisely its ability to organize elections in a transparent and efficient manner, no one in their right mind I would go against this.

Another issue that has been misinformed is that this reform disappears for plurinominal deputies, quite the opposite. It transforms the current model into one of state lists, with which all the federal deputies would be state plurinominal and district regional representation would be eliminated.

Here the question is why send an electoral reform that is not necessary and that does not have enough votes to approve it? To get attention and spotlight, with this once again he has all the media on the lookout with a smokescreen in the face of the failures of the Government of Mexico.

Here are some examples: the failure of the AIFA, as Aeroméxico already announced the cancellation of flights due to lack of passengers; they kill our women, 229 femicides this year and for recent shows the case of Debanhi; the increase in the cost of the Dos Bocas Refinery and the booing of its officials when they visit it; the failure of INSABI and its $18 billion in public contracts awarded in direct assignment in an opaque manner and the more than 2 million unemployed Mexicans, among many more, from a list that is too long.

The way in which this country is falling apart is showing us why MORENA is not on the right side of history, and far from governing for everyone, it has become a centralist, slow, electoral one where the root of decisions is politicking The INE is not going to disappear, what will disappear is the desire of the people to vote for Morena; as we experienced it a few Sundays ago in the revocation of the mandate, where 8 out of 10 Mexicans decided not to participate in the presidential ratification exercise.

We are just over halfway through the six-year term, and unfortunately this country is experiencing a crisis of occurrences, inexperiences, conflicts and more social unrest. A crazy whirlwind of bad ideas that is unlikely to stop any time soon.

The alliance is indeed working, and by the way on a true electoral reform, one that will put the citizen and democracy at the center. Mexico does not need a democratic regression, what we need is to take steps forward, rectify our path towards progress, with citizens and officials who protect and strengthen their institutions, not with those who destroy them and only look in the rearview mirror, backwards, as this electoral reform.

Soraya Perez


between numbers

Former President of the Federation of Colleges of Economists of the Mexican Republic AC

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