Competency-based education fosters autonomy in learning

The pandemic caused by Covid-19 transformed the way of teaching, in such a way that with the recent return to classes, educational institutions continue to search for new educational plans and models that not only help them make up for lost time, but also to act in the event of any eventuality that may arise. get to present.

The competency-based education (EBC) is not a new term but it is an increasingly closer reality in many educational institutions.

According to the Edu Trends report, competency-based education is a student-centered educational model that focuses on the development of competencies in students and the demonstration of their mastery. The learning outcome is central and the time to achieve it is variable.

It should be noted that competencies are defined as knowledge, skills, attitudes and values ​​and these are prioritized over credits and take the center of the conversation to measure learning.

For the D2L learning platform, EBC is a very fast and efficient teaching method, which allows the learning time to be personalized according to the individual possibilities of the student and this flexibility allows to recover in a short time the contents lost after more than a pandemic year or for any other reason that has led a student to learn less than they could in a given period.

“CBE is possible at all educational levels: In higher education, for example, activities can place a greater emphasis on the autonomy of students, while in basic education it is possible to develop it in parallel with the activities proposed for all the class ”, they explain.

The company that is an expert in teaching points out among the advantages that EBC offers both institutions and students are:

  • Accelerate learning: It is a learning method that adapts to the possibilities and particularities of the student, it is not measured by time, but by the understanding of the contents, the development of skills and competences, a variable element for each student.

It can be applied in any teaching modality such as hybrid methodology, distance learning and face-to-face. In the case of hybrid and distance learning, success will also depend on the inclusion of technology, a component that collaborates in the learning process. The main thing is that the activities are developed in a way that can improve the skills of the students from a personalized teaching flow.

It promotes flexible teaching so that the student has autonomy in what he is going to learn and in the time devoted to studies. In addition, malleability is an essential aspect to motivate learning, since the content is more linked to individual interests and, therefore, more aligned with the skills and objectives of the student.

It promotes the personalization of education, in this way the student can personalize the learning process based on their needs and also on the skills they need to develop. Personalization stimulates and motivates the student, who sees more value in the content, and also allows teachers to do a more specific follow-up, identifying the difficulties and qualities of each student.


For D2L, the need to use technology, especially given the continuity of hybrid and distance learning, will continue to be a trend even after the pandemic.

In such a way that they indicate that the adoption of a centralized and integrated platform, such as Brightspace from D2L, is essential to implement CBE with greater assertiveness and clarity. The benefits include:

  • Mobility: the platform is available on different devices, ensuring flexibility in access.
  • Interaction: students have tools such as the portfolio to share their activities in real time
  • Personalization: It has resources for teachers to follow the evolution of the students, guaranteeing a more instructive feedback.
  • Performance indicators: reports with statistics on individual student performance that help make data-driven decisions.

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