Cofepris warns of illegal sale of alleged vaccines against Covid-19 after a secret center in Edomex was discovered

The Federal Commission for Sanitary Risk Protection (Coffee price) warns that any product marketed as Covid-19 vaccine It is a fraud and represents a health risk.

“Receiving a biological agent that does not have information on its origin, manufacture, storage or expiration date does not provide any certainty about its effectiveness in preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus,” the Coffee price in a statement, after a clandestine vaccination center for minors in the state of Mexico was reported.

The Commission recalled that at present no license has been issued to individuals for the sale or import of biologics developed against the coronavirus, “so that people may consider any type of supply of this type to be illegal.”

The regulator explained that he had set up an active drug surveillance group dedicated to the case of the secret vaccination facility for minors tracked down in the state of Mexico.

“Verification and health surveillance operations are underway. Cooperation will be established with law enforcement agencies for actions that constitute criminal conduct,” Cofepris reported, without giving further details about the secret center.

The agency explained that the administration of vaccines against Covid-19 is free and that they are inspected and analyzed by the regulatory authorities before being used to verify their effectiveness and safety.

Cofepris has appealed to the public to lodge a health complaint through the website in case of knowledge of any institution, hospital, doctor’s office or pharmacy where a product presented as the vaccine is offered for sale be to prevent the Covid-19.


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