Censorship in Movistar +, by Juan Soto Ivars

After announcing the cancellation of Late Motiv, comedians who wrote scripts for Buenafuente and Broncano in Movistar +, the supposed Mecca of humor, they have finally pulled the blanket. The stories of jokes censorship I already knew about the Royal House and Vox that Facu Díaz, Quequé, Bob Pop, Iggy Rubin, ‘El Mundo Today’ and others are uncovering. I have a friend who works at Movistar +, and he always told me ‘off the record’, making me swear that he would not publish them. I really wanted this to come to light because it turns the prestige of a company that has been tremendously unfair to its customers upside down.

If you have not found out through the networks, I will summarize it: almost any joke about Vox is prohibited on Movistar +. It’s that shabby and clamorous. To the owners of the chain, which has been covered in glory thanks to irreverent humor, he does not like irreverence about Abascal and company. Hence, I say that they are disloyal to their clients: they sell a politically incorrect irreverence to attract them, and they launch one of the most promising comedians, while leaning on one of the most veteran, while they tie the hands of their scriptwriters so that don’t mess with Abascal and his people. It is as if they sell you a sports convertible with a mixer motor under the chassis.

The case of a monologue by Iggy Rubin in ‘La Resistencia’, in 2019, was sounded, deleted from the platform for a joke about Ortega Lara. The joke might more or less like it, but I wrote then that, If Broncano and others allowed their company this censorship, they would not be able to do many others. I did not know then that the Movistar + red line was already drawn, and it was much deeper than I expected.

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Buenafuente and Broncano are sometimes accused of loading more inks with the right than with the left, but comedians should be free to set their editorial line and charge against whoever they want, and the fact is that in Movistar + they can’t do it, because they won’t let them. This opens up two paths for them: the first is to continue as usual and put on a good face; the second is to speak out, and risk it for its workers. I suspect nothing would happen to them because Movistar + needs Broncano and Buenafuente much more than they need the company. They are in a splendid position to stand up and defend their writers from this chaste censorship.


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