Carte Porte sera clave contra huachicol, pero hay resistance: SAT

The Tributary Administration Service (SAT) revealed that the carriers that provide service to Mexican Petroleum (Pemex) have not complied with the tax standards of the complement of the Carte Porte, which entered into force from the first of 2022.

Raquel Buenrostro, head of the SAT, said that Pemex’s subordinate companies did not adhere to the new standard of the Carte Porte that solicited information about intrusion and translation.

“The companies that transport Pemex well, certainly also transcendent to Huachicol and contraband, have stated that Pemex has not yet raised the issue of internal migration resistance to Carte Porte and that it is unhelpful to homologate its systems with all of its services and services. ”, Followed by the SAT Jefa at a press conference.

The staff agreed that “although Pemex is slow, it does not seem to exist. (To agree with the contraband) deben de entrar todos, including Pemex si le cuesta trabajo es por obvias razonen, pero tiene que hacerlo, pero en el Gobierno Federal vamos en la misma dirección ”.

In this regard, Raquel Buenrostro informs that he has registered the empresses of companies against the complement of Carta Porte, without embargo “no serious proceedings for the form in which they are presented”.

“We are going to win, in what sense, always the public interest is at the heart of the general interest and the form in which the amps are presented is incorrect. We have the corresponding traumas (…) We have not been notified of any more ”, he explained.

Estimates of the fish market suggest that the innings via the Carte Porte podrian summer have reached 150,000 million pounds.

“The Carte Porte is a herramienta that if we implement correctly we can make money, because we will get 15% on transport services – which are more than 60% informal–; In addition, the ISR and the IVA will continue to do so, “said the official.

Ómicron affects the exterior trade

Raquel Buenrostro commented that when the Ley de Ingresos de la Federación 2022 was planned, the Ómicron variant was not located in the Mexican map; for now, now, the virus will provoke a wave in the entrances to the outdoor trade.

“In countries that have ten percent vacancy rates (such as the United States or some European countries), the Omicron has the strongest impact and is affecting the operations of the Exterior Trade”, commented the SAT Jefa.

Ante the estimate to the bay, the fisco work in other media like the Carte Porte.

“There are many companies that emit the complement of the Carte Porte, because it is not complicated and abarca different sectors of car transport”, commented Buenrostro.

Some large companies such as DHL, Bimbo, Barcel, Liverpool, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Coppel, Tres Guerras, Castes Transportes, among others, issue their electronic invoices with the Carta Porte complement.

Grupo Salinas

During the conference, the head of the SAT commented on the case of Grupo Salinas y Elektra that, “although the Court has issued a sentence, the dependency can not be acted upon until it is formally notified”.

Buenrostro says that the SAT has been waiting for the Corte’s notification to be able to act in the coffers of Elektra, which is up to 2,000 million euros.

Responding to the statement that Grupo Salinas went to international bodies to revoke the mandate of the Supreme Court, Buenrostro asserted that “fiscal matter is not the matter of international treaties”.

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