Balances of Populism, the Sinking

The government of President López has been an absolute and widespread failure, which is added to the dismantling or capture of institutions, flagrant and unpunished violations of the law, astronomical patrimonial damage to the Nation, and daily sowing of grudges, division and polarization, in addition virulent and continuous aggressions and attacks on journalists and opponents.

In security, the panorama is devastating. The homicide rate per 100 thousand inhabitants in 2020 was 29.2 (the highest in the last half century), with 106,742 murders in 3 years of government. Organized crime has established itself as the dominant actor in vast regions of the country. The State retreats catastrophically.

In the last three months the economy contracted 0.1%, and growth expectations for 2022 fell from 4% to 2.0%. This is one of the slowest and most frustrating economic recoveries in the world after the pandemic. Gross fixed capital formation in 2020 had a decline 4 times greater than in 2019. From 2018 to 2021, Foreign direct investment, in the category of new investments, has plummeted 16.5%. With this, the possibilities of economic growth for the coming years collapse. In January, inflation was 7.07% (annualized rate), the highest in 20 years. Poverty has skyrocketed; It is the six-year period of poverty. Between 2018 and 2020, 4 million new poor were registered, and 2 million more in extreme poverty. (Coneval).

Seguro Popular was destroyed, leaving more than 50 million people destitute. Institutional destruction, cuts and ineptitude have caused a shortage of medicines in 90% of public hospitals, and even in the private sector. Nearly 3,000 children with cancer have died due to lack of medication. The shortage impacts practically all therapeutic groups, while the pandemic has left almost 700 thousand additional deaths. Mexico ranks third in the world in mortality from COVID per 100,000 inhabitants.

Foreign policy is going through the darkest moment. The attacks on Spain, the shameful abjection against Trump, the alignment with the worst dictatorships in Latin America, the attacks on the OAS, the appointment of ostensibly incompetent people as ambassadors, the conflict with Panama, ridiculous and absurd participation in international forums and meetings , and diplomatic frivolity, incapacity, improvisation and ideological fanaticism fill our country with opprobrium.

Education is mired in disaster, after the Educational Reform has been destroyed. Public education has once again been handed over to union mafias; The National Institute for Educational Evaluation disappeared. The headlines of the SEP have been conspicuous for their ineptitude, collusion with mafias, and corruption (such as the extortion in Texcoco by Delfina). The National Institute of Educational Physical Infrastructure was destroyed, and the situation of public schools is disastrous. Children are indoctrinated with toxic ideologies in new, flawed and dogmatic textbooks. The onslaught against science, scientists, Public Research Centers, and scholars is something insane and unprecedented.

Corruption is rampant, with the brothers and other relatives of President López, Bartlett, the President’s own son in Houston, and contractors and businessmen with conflicts of interest and influence peddling. The government assigns almost 80% of the contracts by direct assignment, without bidding. The development of works under the argument of National Security undermines transparency and opens the way to opacity that favors corruption. The militarization of the country is ubiquitous. Businesses, contracts and projects are handed over to the Army, without transparency and total opacity, something that only happens in the most nefarious dictatorships such as those of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and North Korea.

In the environment, the government has destroyed or budgetically incapacitated environmental institutions. There have been brutal cuts and massive layoffs of technicians and professionals. It deforests the country through the absurd program “Sembrando Vida” (75 thousand hectares per year). He carries out absurd and megalomaniac projects with a very serious environmental impact, such as the Mayan Train and Dos Bocas. President López disappeared the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, and the Mexican Institute of Water Technology; he has looted environmental and climate trusts, and has canceled projects for new Natural Protected Areas. He promotes an aberrant electrical counter-reform that seeks to privilege fossil fuels and aggravate pollution. We are the object of scorn in the international concert for the violation of international agreements such as the Paris Agreement.

President López looks deranged, alone and incapable, lost in his own obsessions, scandals, ignorance, narcissism and resentments. It’s The Sinking. (See the film “Der Untergang”, with Bruno Ganz, protagonist).


Gabriel Quadri of the Tower

Civil Engineer and Economist

Serious Green

Mexican politician, liberal environmentalist and researcher, he has served as a public official and activist in the private sector. He was the candidate of the Nueva Alianza party for President of Mexico in the 2012 elections.

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