Association of Capital Cities of Mexico goes for a new security model; commitment to standardize protocols

Queretaro, Qro. After meeting in the capital of Queretaromunicipal presidents of the Association of Capital Cities of Mexico (ACCM) – made up of 23 municipalities in the country – stated that security is the priority issue on their agenda, betting on generating a new security model that even entails standardizing protocols.

After two days of work, they presented the Declaration of Public Securitywhich contains strategies and actions to strengthen the work carried out by the three levels of government, as well as to reinforce cooperation schemes between cities.

The municipal president of Meridaand president of the association, Renan Barrera Concha, highlighted that each municipal guard has a different operational manual, which is not pre-established by the Federation; For this reason, he added, they seek to standardize the actions of the police in the cities, from the action protocols to the working conditions of the officers.

In terms of working conditions, it is proposed to provide municipal police officers with scholarships for their children, benefits to access housing and guarantees for their families.

“What we are looking for is to standardize as much as possible the form and actions of the police in the cities, in protocols of action, in salary benefits, there is a great disparity in that matter, in benefits to the family of the police officer, that is why we speak of the dignification, scholarships for the children of police officers, access to housing”, explained Barrera Concha.

Therefore, he added, each municipality has made observations on the points that will make up a basic protocol manual for municipal police officers.

He recognized that the conditions of each municipality are different, because there are cities affected to a greater extent by organized crime, for which they analyze better coordination schemes.


The municipal president of Mexicali (Baja California) and vice president of the association, Norma Alicia Bustamante MartinezHe added that to combat insecurity, intelligence, coordination, improving the capacities of all police institutions, the participation of the three levels of government and citizens are required.

Bustamante Martínez explained five of the agreements made during the meeting in Queretaro:

  • The first, request a meeting with the National Conference of Governors (conago), to implement the police career service.
  • The second is to promote law reform initiatives in matters of public safety under the subsidiarity and federalism scheme.
  • The third, seek a meeting with the presidents of the board of directors of the Federal Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
  • The fourth, establish a permanent link with the National Conference of Municipalities of Mexico (Conamm) to promote the development of the governments of the country’s capital cities.
  • The fifth, to ask the Conago for a space in the National Conference on Municipal Public Security with the aim of influencing and promoting coordination mechanisms in matters of municipal public security in the capitals.

Meanwhile, the president of the ACCM explained that they also agreed on six more points: one of them is to request a meeting with the secretary of Treasury and Public Credit (SHCP), Rogelio Ramírez de la O, for manage federal resourcesfor the use of technology applied to municipal public safety.

They will also seek a meeting with the secretariat of Security and Citizen ProtectionRosa Isela Rodríguez, to define cooperation and prevention strategies to reduce violence.

As well as establishing work tables with the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP); promote the participation of women through the creation of Networks of Women Builders of Peace (MUCPAZ), with the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) and the SESNSP.

In addition to strengthening the work of prevention and eradication of violence against women, in coordination with the state and federal governments.

As well as meetings with Inmujeres, with the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women and the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred); and request a meeting with the head of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), Alejandro Gertz Manero, to propose mechanisms that expedite justice procurement processes.

The association is made up of the presidents of 23 municipalities: Tlaxcala, Chihuahua, Colima, Cuernavaca, Hermosillo, Puebla, Campeche, San Luis Potosí, Toluca, Culiacán, Chilpancingo, Tepic, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Guanajuato, Morelia, Pachuca, Saltillo, Oaxaca , Durango, Merida, Mexicali and Queretaro.


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