“Antes se enganchaban a la heroína, ahora a las pantallas y la marijuana”

  • The first center of attention to the drug dependencies of Spain, which stimulated the Diputation of Barcelona, ​​a couple of 40 years

  • The SPOTT nation started the heroin addict, but he reached out to teenagers engaged in pants, online games and drugs like marijuana or ecstasy

“It’s clear that I agree! All these passages are full of people who do not need methadone … and we do not abstain! A list of desperate hopes, and clear, many patients that morbidity of sobriety and side … was a debacle” , recuerda Rafael Jiménez, psychiatra with 28 years of age in the SPOTT center. This is the center, pioneer in Spain to treat drug addicts, complete four decades. There are now about 300 young people between 15 and 21 years old. The mayor, enganchados a las pantallas but also drugs like marijuana or ecstasy.

It’s difficult to think of Barcelona in 1982 and not agree on the azote of heroin. Young people who are engancharon to a drug that the devil tirados in the calf y, muchas veces, tendidos y muertos en el suelo. For sober doses, or for side infections that are transmitted through the jingles. Pocos se acercaban a ellos, a pesar del desespero des las familias. In 1981 the Barcelona Diputation created the SPOTT Center for attendance and listening. “Fue un debacle, pero de SPOTT aprendimos muchísimo: fue el primée que les tendia a ellos y también a las familias. Es algo fundamental que debemos preservar”, afirma Lluïsa Moret, responsable de Sostenibilidad Social de la diputación, que en los 80 y 90 work in similar centers in Sant Boi de Llobregat, ciudad de la que es hoy su alcaldesa.

Sounds for sleeping dose

“In the background we are like a center of attention and following (CAS). The people come, receive treatment and the time is that the drugs will be powdered. Pero high altitude teniums for dysfunctions: soberedosis including inside the sink… and much, muchísima gente “, Jiménez explains. While in the rest of Barcelona we create other similar centers, especially the Sants, SPOTT each has access to more extraneous patients.” with a list to appoint. Always have a list and the price is where we go recoil pastes in the pharmacy with the same effect“, asegura el psiquiatra.

In 2004, the center decided that it would not take long for adults to have problems with cocaine or heroin. “Many CASs have been created in all of Barcelona and residents of the district and we have decided to reorient the service for young people and adolescents throughout the province,” said Gemma García, center of intervention. “As soon as we change this service the golf change service. There is no such thing as water, that precision. And the patients are not our morians!”, explains Jimenez. “In addition, working with adolescents is key because there are so many years of consumption, dependence, chronicity … and it’s easier to know what to do“, quotes Sonia Fernández, center psychologist.

Los niños de la cola

Enttones read the epoch of the nines that inhale pegamento. “I have a lot of children in Barcelona, ​​who drink only Moroccans and consume cola, solvent, antidepressants, synthetic cannabis …”, explains Garcia. A profile that exists, nines that live in centers of minorities or that he has completed the majority of edad, but that he has agreed with the Generalitat are waiting for other red services. “Recall that, in the background, we are concerned that consumption to take free time, to lose money, is a necessity of eviction … Venion of a very long life”, assures Garcia.

In the last years, about 300 young people pass each year through the center. And the differences in the two profiles are very concrete: the addicts to the pants, and the addicts to the drugs. “In the first, the pandemic and the encroachment have aggravated the addiction. We are sorry that we if you intend to regularly use the video games or the very violent reaction form or suicide with the suicide. “We are very introverted, sometimes associated with autism spectrum disorders or socialization problems”, Fernández explains.

The acceptance of marijuana

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“In the second, the confinement of the people is good because the demonstration that begins to be consumed. There is never a case and the consumption as a refuge to show security”, the psychologist said. 90% of the attendees regularly consume cannabis. “It has been normalized and accepted. Especially in rural areas, nines that live in alienated urbanizations and that have no alternative to ocio. Some 12 years ago, “said another psychologist, Joan Bosch. Ya no solo alcohol: ecstasy, cocaine or including benzodiazepines or aniolitis“, añade Martínez.

“In the 80s now, the drugs and addictions are a refuge, a place to escape when one has no knowledge or ability to manage what is going on in life. And it is what we intend to do,” submits Fernández . SPOTT is also a refuge. From 40 years ago.


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