AMLO’s next trip is more important than it seems

Although it can be considered as a kind of appendix to what happened in the UN Security Council, AMLO’s next trip this November 18 is more important than it seems.

Because in addition to the ninth summit of North American leaders will take place in the context of a prolonged pandemic that is already heading for its fourth wave worldwide, the geopolitical circumstances triggered by the imminent rise of the Asian giant and its commercial region , have raised the need to recover the notion of North America as a region to a priority level.

There is too much inertia and to tell the truth, times have never been better or worse to put this issue on the table, in the face of a growing wave of nationalisms that are perceived in the world and that ultimately are not alien to the agendas of Biden and Trudeau.

Everything seems to indicate that the world is fragmenting again. However, if the United States wants to be victorious in its next appointment with destiny, it must be able to remember together with Canada and Mexico, and remember what was lost when a new trade agreement was born that, despite contain a well-defined regional geopolitical strategy in Chapter 32, he forgot the concept of North America as a whole and threw his name overboard, so that each country could put its name first, and could tell itself the story that most suited him.

Referring with the latter to the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada or T-MEC, the United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement or USMCA, according to the government of the United States, and Canada – United States – Mexico Agreement or CUSMA, according to the government of Canada.

As can be seen, the visions of the union are different and this implies that national interests could go ahead when dealing with the agenda of a summit that until what has been mentioned now, will focus on issues related to how to end to the pandemic, migration, and problems in regional supply chains.

The latter could be a big mistake, because what the global context asks is that we act as a region and this implies being willing to make significant commitments, which could include the white elephant of the Mexican electricity reform that is in the room, which makes people uncomfortable. all, and that it will definitely be played even if it is unofficially.

Because both the US ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, who in some way has become the standard-bearer on the issue, and the Canadian authorities, have repeatedly expressed their concern, pointing out that it violates the spirit of competitiveness of the T-MEC and that it written at the legal level, it must prevail over personal criteria.

Especially when the world faces an energy crisis and that the RCEP treaty led by China and which includes the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Countries (Asean) as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, adds almost a third of the world’s population, 29% of the world’s GDP, and it is centered in a region that has had one of the smallest economic recessions due to the pandemic.

Hence the importance of AMLO’s next trip, and the need to think beyond national borders.

The last to leave turn off the light

Twitter: @HenaroStephanie

Stephanie Henaro

Professor of Geopolitics

The last to leave turn off the light

Mexican analyst and commentator. He studied for a degree in international relations at the Tecnológico de Monterrey CCM and at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences-Po). He has a specialty in Russian foreign policy from MGIMO Moscow and a master’s degree in Geopolitics, Territory and Security from King’s College London University in England.

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