“About the Constitution nothing. About the Constitution, no one”

The General Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Obliged Subjects aims to protect personal data held by: “any authority, entity, body and agency of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers, autonomous bodies, political parties, trusts and public funds, as well as any individual, legal entity or union that receives and exercises public resources or performs acts of authority at the federal, state and municipal levels.”

This law defines personal data as “any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person”.

A personal data that an obligated subject cannot make public without the consent of a person is the home address, unless it can be obtained through means that are public, such as a telephone directory, a database or information that be on the internet.

Based on the foregoing, it is likely that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is violating the law by disseminating at his press conference photographs of the buildings where the private homes of some of the journalists who constantly criticize him are supposedly located. On Monday we saw how he showed photos of a building where Carlos Loret de Mola apparently lives.

As far as I can remember, upon taking office, AMLO swore to “keep and keep the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the laws that emanate from it, and loyally and patriotically carry out the position of President of the Republic that the people entrust to me.” has conferred, looking in everything for the good and prosperity of the Union”.

Those mentioned in the presidential press conference can, if they believe that AMLO committed a crime and puts their security at risk by disseminating their personal data, proceed legally against him.

And speaking of transparency, the president said yesterday at his press conference that “the golden rule of democracy is transparency,” despite the fact that his government has hidden more public information than some of his predecessors did and that in his electoral campaigns and since assuming the presidency he has assured that his administration is more transparent than the most transparent glass.

Examples abound: the 4T government declared data on the Mayan Train and the Felipe Ángeles airport as reserved or confidential, details of the contracts for the purchase of anticovid vaccines, real numbers of deaths from Covid, the causes that caused death of 14 people for supplying sodium heparin to the Pemex regional hospital in Villahermosa (2020), the explosion of the oil pipeline in Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo (2019), and details of the frustrated capture of drug trafficker Ovidio Guzmán, in Culiacán (2019), among others.

Upon assuming the presidency, Andrés Manuel swore as noted above and concluded that oath by saying “and if I don’t do so, let the nation demand it of me.”

Sooner or later, the nation will sue him because “Nothing about the Constitution. About the Constitution, no one”, as José María Iglesias, a true liberal juarista of the 19th century, wrote.

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

Instagram: ruizhealy

Place: ruizhealytimes.com

Eduardo Ruiz-Healy

Journalist and producer

guest column

Opinionist, columnist, lecturer, media trainer, 35 years of experience in the media, microentrepreneur.

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