20 years with China, by Jordi Alberich

A few days ago, it was the 20th anniversary of the China’s entry into the World Trade Organization. A good time to take stock of two decades of widespread growth, especially for the Asian giant, which has gone from developing country a dispute global hegemony To united states. This incorporation was the culmination of a certain liberal conception of the economy, whose best exponent in the 1970s was the British premier Margaret Thatcher. His ideas acquired speed with the Soviet collapse and with a globalization stimulated, also, by the new communication technologies. A process that has had very diverse effects.

China has been extremely comfortable, in an ideal framework for its unique model of political totalitarianism and business freedom, supervised and intervened by the State. For their part, from both sides of the Atlantic, despite the euphoria of the first years, we have seen how our old social and political balances have been cracking to the rhythm of a crescent inequality. A deep disorientation that leads us to a mere day-to-day management without any project in the medium term. Such is the bewilderment that even more than a few Westerners are attracted to the Chinese model. All of this is a consequence of the accelerated and ungoverned nature of the opening process. In short, a balance loaded with chiaroscuro.

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In this context, pandemic, which has multiplied the ravages of the 2008 crisis, brings us to a rather extreme situation. Either we begin to regulate this very open world or, surely, when in ten years we take stock of China’s three decades in the WTO, our destruction may be almost irreversible. And it will not be the fault of the Chinese because, precisely, the hope is that redirect the damage depends only on us. But, for this, we must start by sharing a new ideology. Unfortunately, we are not on it yet.


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